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Tuesday 24 Mar 2020 | 3 min read

How to switch your business phone to the nbn®

A woman on the phone while on a computer in an office

The nbn™ has given small businesses across Australia greater access to fast internet, and all the opportunity that comes with that. However, the nbn™ has also brought with it some disruption, as it has replaced existing infrastructure that small businesses have relied on. The most significant example of this is the phone lines.

The nbn™ and old phone lines

The rollout of the nbn™ network across Australia is mostly complete. However, as this process was happening, many small businesses didn’t consider how it would impact their voice services, which formerly operated on the same copper system as their old internet services. Around the country, older voice infrastructure, such as the ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and PSTN (public switched telephone network), has mostly been switched off.

These old voice technologies are complex and expensive to upgrade, which is why it’s just as well the nbn™ itself enables an alternative solution.

Nbn™ business phone systems – the future of telephony

Because the nbn™ provides a fast, reliable internet service, data and bandwidth-intensive activities and solutions become far more accessible to small businesses. One example of this is VoIP.

VoIP – or voice over internet protocol – is not a new technology. It refers to calls made over the internet. If you’ve used Skype or Zoom, you’ve used VoIP. However, running business voice services over VoIP is a relatively new idea, mostly due to the bandwidth requirements of multiple lines operating simultaneously – the nbn™ has made it possible for businesses to access this necessary bandwidth to make business VoIP solutions viable.

VoIP also makes it possible for businesses to access technologies like hosted PBX, which is an ideal system to improve voice functionality and performance, as well as cut costs.

What is a hosted PBX system?

A hosted pbx phone system provides businesses with an amazing level of control and flexibility, while also saving the expenses and limitations of traditional phone systems. These systems are a form of VoIP technology and allow businesses to circumvent the costs of each user having their own line to the telephone provider.

Hosted PBX systems operate on cloud technology through an internet connection. SIP Trunks are used as a digital version of a traditional phone line, allowing businesses to make local and international calls over their internet.

Hosted PBX – simplifying corporate phone systems

A hosted PBX solution also provides businesses with enterprise-class features that would otherwise be too costly to implement within the context of an on-premise PBX. One such feature is effortless call routing, which allows incoming calls to be seamlessly routed to a mobile or home phone line. This is particularly handy if staff are working from home. Thanks to the cloud-based nature of the solution, it doesn’t matter where the person taking the call is physically situated. They can still access the system via The Cloud.

The other great benefit to a hosted PBX solution is that it’s scalable. Because you pay for it on a per-handset basis, it’s easy to scale the number of connections, ultimately leading to cost reductions and efficiency.

To learn more about how hosted PBX systems compare to traditional phone systems, click here.

Don’t be afraid to make the switch

While the nbn™ itself has been a boon to small businesses in terms of providing faster connections and better prices, it’s in the applications that the real benefits are found. Hosted PBX systems are a great example of how small businesses can leverage the nbn™ to reduce headaches and gain access to enterprise features.

To discuss your small business phone and internet needs with the experts who care, contact Aussie Broadband today on 1300 480 905. Or, to learn more about nbn™ business phone systems, click here.


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